Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Turkey day is around the corner!

And I need to lose 10 pounds. Still. Or at the very least, stop gaining weight and buy new pants. Regardless, neither of these goals will be accomplished when I do things like eat two donuts for breakfast. That is exactly what I did today.

So I have a plan (you knew that was coming, right?)

We are going to switch to light soy milk and low-fat & fat-free when possible. The bigger change shouldn't be too difficult (I hope). Before dinner, I'm going to eat a nearly vegan diet by avoiding most animal products and simple sugars. I am also making a conscious effort to eat more fiber. Hopefully this helps!

In a random note, I am apparently semi-vegetarian, meaning that I eat meat in less than half of my meals. I've always been this way. Who knew it had a label?

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