Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Half Dome - June 2010

"Half Dome is the ultimate Yosemite day hike - the one you can't die without doing, and the one you're most likely to die while doing."

I am going to hike to the top of Half Dome next summer. This is significant for a number of reasons. The first being that it will force me to get into shape. The second is that I have never been to Yosemite. I have lived within 2-3 hours of Yosemite for most of my life and have never gone. That's going to change.

I have started training yesterday. I don't have a lot of upper body strength and I know that I will need it to haul myself up those cables. So I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. I also need to lose 10 pounds. I tried it yesterday for the first time and it absolutely kicked my ass. I can already tell that this will be great training for Half Dome. There were lots of squats, lunges, and arm exercises with weights. I also want to start hiking on Saturdays for practice.

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